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Research Program

The overarching goal of our research program is to investigate the molecular mechanisms linking tau alterations with cellular dysfunction, and in particular, with RNA translation.


These events contribute to the pathogenesis of more than 20 neurodegenerative disorders that share a common pathological hallmark: intracellular aggregation of tau.


Tauopathies central to the focus of my research include: 





We identified that tau pathogenesis and progression compromises nascent protein synthesis via two distinct pathways: by altering ribosomal function and inducing the PERK pathway of the unfolded protein response. Our work in head injuries identified novel functional MRI and molecular biomarkers of TBI severity. Finally, are validating novel compounds that improve RNA translation in models of tauopathy. This work brings us closer to understanding the mechanisms of tau-mediated neurotoxic events stemming from translational dysfunction. Ultimately, these results can aid in the identification of therapeutic targets for more than 30 million people currently suffering from tauopathies world-wide.

  1. Alzheimer’s disease

  2. Fronto-temporal dementia with tau inclusions

  3. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy / traumatic brain injury (CTE/TBI)



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Neuroscience Research

Biomedical Sciences Building 

University of Florida

Gainesville FL, 32603

© 2023 Abisambra Lab Copyright

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