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Paulina Currea

Undergraduate Student

I am in my final year of the undergraduate program in Biomedical Engineering at CES University in Medellín, Colombia. For years before starting my career, I always had a strong interest in delving into the field of neuroscience. I never knew how to align my path with it and reach that destination without having to study Medicine. Now, I am part of Abisambra's Lab since the summer of 2023, as I participated in the Summer Neuroscience Internship Program (SNIP) at UF and became directly involved in a research project on DNA Methylation correlated to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and tau protein, collaborating also with Dr. Paola Giusti-Rodriguez's lab.

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Furthermore, I am currently working as a personal assistant to Dr. Abisambra.

I have a long journey ahead and many things to learn, but I am immensely happy and excited to have found the right place. Apart from my academic life, I absolutely love my city, so I try to enjoy it as much as possible, and also I love attending concerts!

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